February Flew by Fast
burnout consciousconversations emdr emotional intelligence free resource library holiday stress relief leadership development mindfulness practices nervous system regulation neuroplasticity neuroscience personal growth professional development shiftchange stress stress management trauma webinar workplacewellnessNote From Jessica
I don't know about you, but while January felt like it would never end, February has flown by fast for me and my family-navigating the worst flu season in 15 years and too many snow days! I didn't want to end the month without sharing updates and an amazing new free resource.
Despite the current climate, the last month has brought tremendous opportunities to learn, grow, and expand our perspectives. In my personal life, I was faced with a family event that would put me in a place where I would encounter others with extremely different perspectives than my own.
This event and the conversations I had before, during, and after it led me to create a C3xC3 Guide (Coherent Conscious Conversations with Creativity, Compassion, & Courage). I hope this guide will support you in more conscious conversations that cultivate connection rather than division.
I hope you enjoy the rest of this update and it brings you value. As always, if you have any specific needs or requests for resources or topics- let us know!
Wisdom of the Week
- Did you know the longer you experience high stress the lower your tolerance for perceived threats becomes?
- When our brains and bodies endure high stress, the window of tolerance for handling stress shrinks.
Let's look at the stress we're navigating daily:
- We are bombarded with news articles and stories on social media of heartbreak, trauma, and pain. World crises, political discord, and disasters are part of our daily lives.
- We go to work in places often filled with triggering toxic work practices, cultures of competition, and where we're pushed to achieve more with less without a pause to replenish.
- We are prey to the prowess of marketing companies taking advantage of our bodies and brains pushing us to purchase, coercing us to consume, and enticing us to become addicted to toxic or unhealthy food, drugs, and chemicals.
- We seek comfort in our homes and communities only to find division, polarization, and extremism. We try to rest and recoup whilst navigating an ever-growing list of expectations.
We've been operating in chronically stressful environments for so long it's causing people to get stuck in survival states of fight (react or defend), flight (leave or avoid), freeze (shutdown or numb) or fawn (please & appease).
We may not be carrying physical boulders but the weight on our body is just as heavy.
We are filled with boulders (major traumas), rocks (significant struggles), and pebbles (daily stressful issues) that get stuck in our bodies and weigh us down. The stress that gets stuck and stored builds in our bodies which is why we find ourselves:
- Screaming at our children to be quiet, unable to handle noise.
- Snapping at co-workers who slow us down, unable to stand delays.
- Shutting down and numbing, unable to bear the weight.
- Separating from spouses, jobs, and people that upset us or make us miserable, unable to see a path to joy.
Would you like to release some of that weight?
I've spent three years attempting to do so, trying many things but none as effective as what I want to share with you—EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing).
With a simple tapping that bilaterally stimulates your brain, your body begins releasing the stuck stress and trapped traumas. I've discovered attending weekly sessions to eliminate stress quickly is having a profound impact on my performance, well-being, and life.
- Have a tough interaction with your boss...tap it out.
- Betrayal of a friend or fight with your spouse...tap it out.
- News story, tragedy, or politics...tap it out.
- Failed project, job loss, or not getting a promotion...tap it out!
Whatever your struggle, you just need to show up and tap it out. Once you do you'll see how much better you feel, free from some of that weight.
- Have you noticed people having a lower tolerance for perceived threats or stress? When and where have you noticed it? How might this be impacting your work, relationships, and health?
- What boulders, rocks, and pebbles are you currently carrying? How much weight are carrying due to stress in recent months or years?
- What recent challenges have shifted you into a fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response? How is your nervous system? Are you possibly dysregulated? If you aren't sure you can check out our: Nervous System Dysregulation Assessment
What would it be like to consistently clear the stresses and t(T)rauma's we're exposed to on a daily basis? Can you imagine how much better everyone would feel and how much more energy we would have? How might this improve our relationships, well-being, and performance? What if part of our daily work consisted of engaging practices that would actually clear the constraints and stuck stress from our bodies? What would it take for workplaces to make this investment in their people?
ShiftChange Partnership Announcement
As a result of my experience with EMDR, I am actively engaging with and supporting a new organization, ShiftChange. I am looking forward to sharing more about how we will be supporting their mission of providing easy access to powerful and effective treatment for trauma and stress.
They offer a tiered approach:
- Level 1 - Group Assyst - A live, weekly, online, anonymous EMDR therapy session to reprocess and remove the most stressful experiences in the past 90 days from your body.
- Level 2 - Group Intensive - A six-hour live session on a specific topic or challenge to reprocess and remove it from your body. (E.g. Workplace Burnout, Birth Trauma, Job Loss, Death)
- Level 3 - Individual Support - A three-hour intensive to address major boulders such as childhood attachment, traumas, or other significantly stressful or traumatic experiences.
Check it Out for Yourself.
- Level 1 Session: Participate in a session to clear any stuck stress from the prior 90 days. No talking, no sharing, just tapping. First session is FREE. Use code FIRSTFREE.
- Level 2 Session: Burnout Detox - Release, Recover, Recharge is going to be held on Saturday April 12, 2025 and Sunday April 13, 2025 (for a total of 3.5 hours each day). This intensive session is an opportuity to quickly and effectively reprocess distressing workplace experiences that put us into burnout. (For a special discount Use Code: Evolving)
I'll be sharing more details soon, but to learn more now you can check out this webinar: How EMDR Heals Trauma and Burnout
New Free Resources
Assessing Your Current Operating System Guide
Every workplace operates on a human operating system—the collective mindset, skills, and capacity of its people. Just like a computer system needs regular updates to perform efficiently, so too must leaders and teams assess and optimize their workplace operating system to meet the challenges of today’s fast-evolving world.
C^3XC^3 Conscious Conversation Guide
Due to high levels of chronic stress, people are more sensitive to potential or perceived threats. As a result, we tend to more quickly react in ways we wouldn't normally. When stressed, we revert back to our past patterns and get stuck in our survival responses of fight, flight, freeze, and fawn.
This guide is designed to support your participation in and facilitation of Coherent and Conscious Conversations (C3). These conversations are intentionally guided by and from a state of compassion, creativity, and courage, with the goal of fostering connection, understanding, and collaborative problem-solving.
These conversations aim to bridge divides, expand perspectives, and inspire conscious action for the benefit of all humanity.
Free Live Linkedin Webinar
Updating Your Human Operating System: Introducing the 4 Pillars of Peak Performance
March 13th at 12pm CST
Workplaces are experiencing what’s being called “the great detachment,” with job satisfaction at historic lows and stress at record highs. As we enter the era of intelligence, combining AI and human potential, it’s clear that outdated work practices are no longer sustainable. Join our upcoming webinar to explore how to address “the great detachment” and rebuild workplace connection and performance.
In this session, you’ll learn why stress and constant change are triggering trauma, impacting well-being, and decreasing productivity. Discover the four pillars of peak performance—capabilities, consciousness, competence, and capacity—and how they lay the foundation for healthier, more effective ways of working. Walk away with actionable strategies to upgrade your work practices and optimize your Human Operating System for a thriving future.
Don’t miss this opportunity to transform the way you work and lead!
Sign up now to secure your spot
Recent Podcasts & Articles
🎧 Evolving to Exceptional Podcast with Jessica Tietjen
Check out the latest episodes:
- Labeling Humans as Good or Bad is Unhelpful and Unhealthy
- Building Connected Cultures in a Remote Work Environment with Tarry Gerling (Part 2)
- Building Connected Cultures in a Remote Work Environment with Tarry Gerling (Part 1)
- My Year-End Review: Reflecting on My Year of Growth
- The Darkness of December: Frozen by Fear
- Ensuring Your Values are Visible
- Dear CEOs: How are you right now?
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đź“š Evolving to Exceptional Blog
Learn more about key topics related to reaching peak performance in our workplaces, homes, and communities.
Check out the latest blog articles here.
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đź“ťWisdoming the World Substack Newsletter
My Substack newsletter, Wisdoming the World, is where I explore the journey of unlocking human potential through neuroscience, leadership, and wellness practices. This space is dedicated to anyone seeking meaningful growth and a deeper understanding of how our mind, body, and emotions shape who we are and who we can become.
Check out the latest posts:
- The Case for Change
- Fear, Silence & Workplace Culture: The Rising Risk of Speaking Out
- Easily Triggered to React? The Wise Choose to Consciously Respond Instead
- Finding Safety in Stress: How to Regulate Your Nervous System and Overcome Survival Mode
- Labeling Humans as Good or Bad is Unhelpful and Unhealthy
- Navigating Life with Visible Values
- Poem: Wise Words Within
- Impossibility of People Pleasing in a Polarized World