Over the course of the past year, I immersed myself in a NeuroLeadership Practitioner and Neurobiolo...
On International Women’s Day this year, I want to share a bit about the challenge with creating safe...
Remote Work Issues are a Symptom of a Bigger Issue
If you were trying to pull out a weed you wouldn...
Yesterday, Hamas called for a Global Day of Jihad today (October 13th). They've called for a day of ...
What is coherence?
Coherence is when all of the parts fit together or work together at their best. ...
A challenge many leaders (especially senior leaders) have and may not recognize are the blind spots ...
I’m not just writing this article because I’ve had a sick child home every day this week (although I...
“I bet you think this song (article) is about you don’t you! Don’t you! You’re so vain!”
 (If you d...
Our existence as humans if we choose to access and listen to all our intelligences is filled with ...
In order to create new neural pathways in our brains and bodies we need to have the courage to tak...
The Loneliness Epidemic
In an era dominated by social media and virtual interactions, one might ass...
Last week, I delivered a keynote to about 200 HR Professionals at the Missouri Employment Conference...
AI is quickly sweeping the world and creating transformation and change on an unprecedented scale. T...
Alright, this article title might be a bit dramatic, but stay with me here because it’s also the tru...
Various leadership styles and approaches have been defined in hundreds of leadership books. They all...
Coming off six straight days of training to become certified as an mBIT Trainer, I returned home to ...